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AAEP Horse Care Topics
Camelid & Small Ruminant Care
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Emergency situations are more common with large animals, especially horses, than many of us would like to admit. While many emergencies will require the assistance of a veterinarian, or at least advice over the phone, it is important to be prepared to administer first aid even before a veterinarian can arrive to attend to a problem. In many cases, preparation of a first aid kit can help in the long term outcome of any emergency. The following list of items is recommended to keep as part of your first aid kit:
• Bandage Material: white rolled gauze (Kerlix®), 6” brown rolled gauze, white cotton sheeting (BB Satin®), Vetrap®
• Poultice for treating a foot abscess
• Phenylbutazone tabs/powder/paste
• Antibiotics: penicillin injectable or oral trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole tablets (also known as TMS or SMZ’s)
• Flunixin meglumine (also known as Banamine®) injectable or oral paste
• Triple Antibiotic ophthalmic ointment tube
• For horses with heaves, it is recommended to have a dose of Atropine on hand in case of emergencies of respiratory distress
• Veterinarian’s telephone number readily available
• If the horse is insured, have a copy of their insurance information in the barn; this will make it easier to contact the company quickly.
All of these items are important to have on-hand in your First-Aid kit. Large Animal Medical Associates would like to remind you that if you have an emergency, it is best to always contact your veterinarian prior to any administration of medications. If you do have an emergency, please make sure to stay off the phone line on which you requested a call back. We can make recommendations over the telephone as to which medication is appropriate to administer based on the type of emergency you have. This will help the situation until we arrive on the scene, if it is necessary for us to make a visit. Storage of medication should be in a cool dry place such as a sealed plastic container. Remember, unless your tack room is heated, all medication should be moved into a heated area in the fall. Please call us if you would like to keep some of the above prescription medications on hand, or if you have any questions regarding your first aid preparation.