For Your Information
AAEP Horse Care Topics
Camelid & Small Ruminant Care
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Equine Vaccines (PDF)
Parasite resistance in goats and sheep is an extremely difficult and complex problem. There are methods of trying to avoid excessive use of anthelmintics (anti-parasite drugs) such that only those animals carrying significant parasite loads are dewormed (look up “FAMACHA” on Google for more information). Because small ruminants are also very susceptible to meningeal worm (see “Camelid Deworming” topic for recommendations), the same protocol used for camelids is recommended. However, with this schedule there is the problem of selecting for resistance to other parasites besides meningeal worm. In these cases, we recommend that an owner contact us for additional information and discussion to help determine the best plan for the herd. Ultimately, it is best to base decisions on deworming in the herd on results of a fecal examination. Please call the office if you would like to have this performed on animals in your herd, or on a group sample from the herd.